1. are you against people accumulating wealth at all? do you want everyone to live paycheck-to-paycheck? If not, at what rate are people allowed to accumulate wealth? or is there a maximum amount of money someone is allowed to have saved up? If so then what is the maximum amount and what is your moral proof for that amount? like, for all of this you have to have a proof that what you're doing is morally correct, don't you think? I suppose I'm assuming from the beginning that it's morally correct to respect a person's body and allow them to have control over it.
2. I think that maybe it's really bad for me to be friends with someone who hates the free market? because I believe in consent, I believe in bodily integrity, I believe in self ownership, those are all the same thing, they're just different words for the same thing. and I can't change what I believe about that, like it's possible that I could change my mind and decide not to believe in the concept of consent anymore, but I'm 32 years old and my belief in consent has only gotten more and more consistent as I've gotten older, so I find it very unlikely that it's going to change. this is like an integral part of who I am. and no one would think that it was appropriate for me to be friends with someone who thought that in the Utopia that comes after the revolution, no trans people will exist. no one would expect me to be friends with someone who dreams of eliminating bisexual people. so why should I be friends with someone who wants to eliminate me because I believe in the free market? it makes me feel gross to think that I'm friends with someone who wants to kill me and is only holding back on doing so because they don't want to face the consequences from the government, cops, whatever. or maybe they're hoping that they can persuade me to stop believing in consent before the revolution comes. but I don't feel okay with that anymore than I feel okay with someone hoping that I'll stop being the gender I am or having the sexuality that I have. and I don't know really that you want me to change this fundamental part of myself or that you want to kill me, but you say a lot of the same things as a lot of people on Facebook who have explicitly said that they want to kill me, so that makes me worried and that's why I get mad and say fuck you and hang up on you.